year 12, Issue 30 (7-2022)                   mmi 2022, 12(30): 45-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Hamzavi Y. The study of canvas-marouflaged murals Conservation and restoration criteria in Iran. mmi 2022; 12 (30) : 3
Faculty of Cultural Materials Conservation, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran. ,
Abstract:   (2530 Views)
All stages of the Conservation of historical properties must be done according to criteria that are in fact the separator of the correct from the incorrect. Some criteria are general and apply to all types of historical artworks, and some of them can be considered more limited to some types of historical artifacts. Canvas-marouflaged murals, like other historical artworks, are no exception, and both types of Conservation criteria include this particular type of artworks (canvas-marouflaged murals). Since few specialized studies have been conducted in the field of recognizing the characteristics as well as the conservation approaches of canvas-marouflaged murals; On the other hand, for the proper Conservation and restoration of these works, accurate scientific knowledge is required, Therefore, in this study, by reviewing the international charters, guidelines and theories, as well as reviewing the experiences of Conservation and restoration of canvas-marouflaged murals in outside of Iran, some criteria have been introduced so that based on it, correct interventions on canvas-marouflaged murals can be done. Also it will be possible to make a correct analysis of the last actions that have been done in previous years and periods on such historical artworks. The aim of the present study is to achieve the essential criteria of conservation of canvas-marouflaged murals. In this regard, applied-developmental research with the method of finding: A: Study of specialized texts. B: Carrying out field studies, C: Review and analysis of the results of the study of specialized texts and field studies are done. Based on the studies have been conducted and also analyzing them, the criteria of Conservation of canvas-marouflaged murals are presented, for each of which, examples of Iranian works and related suggestions for Restoration interventions and proper display of canvas-marouflaged murals are also presented.
Article number: 3
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Type of Study: Research original/ Regular Article | Subject: Maremat

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