year 12, Issue 30 (7-2022)                   mmi 2022, 12(30): 73-84 | Back to browse issues page

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1- TM university ,
2- TM university
Abstract:   (1897 Views)
The gradual exhaustion of Iranian historical contexts has forced anchors, designers, and people to use regenerative and recreational approaches. Combining recreation with creative tourism and a long-term guaranteed income culture will bring about a resurgence. Understanding the paradigms and principles between the two approaches is important with an emphasis on the cultural context in urban spaces such as cultural axes.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of common approaches of the two approaches on the streets and cultural axis in Isfahan historical contexts. For this purpose, two basic questions are raised: what are the effective indicators from the perspective of creative tourism approach to recreate the historical texture of Isfahan city through urban axes? And what other indicators have the highest and lowest weight in the cultural-tourism axes implemented?
The bottom line is applied research. Research data comes from exploratory and library studies. The data are described through qualitative studies and their analysis is based on qualitative methods. The type of research is qualitative and involves methods such as interviewing and qualitative analysis of documents and the results are qualitative. Achievements demonstrate that the synergy of creative tourism in the forms of creative hardware, creative software, creative organizations with culture-based strategies of recreation, such as tourism, orbital event, branding can bring about a revival of the context. Become a long-term history. The emergence of the synergistic effect of these two approaches in urban spaces can be traced through the streets and through cultural centers, and culture also acts as a driving force for development in urban spaces. Forty indicators have been extracted to measure the quality of cultural axes in four physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions. Based on the findings, the evaluation of the effect of each indicator qualitatively with an emphasis on culture showed that the social and economic dimension had more obvious weaknesses than both
physical and environmental dimensions.
Article number: 5
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