year 8, Issue 16 (3-2019)                   mmi 2019, 8(16): 125-142 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbaszadeh M, Mohammadmoradi A, Amirkabirian A, Ayashm M, Soltanahmadi E. Providing value-based model for application of architectural heritage value in adopting conservation practices Case Study: Takht-e Soleiman World Heritage Collection. mmi 2019; 8 (16) :125-142
URL: http://mmi.aui.ac.ir/article-1-506-en.html
1- Urmia university , mo.abbaszadeh@urmia.ac.ir
2- ran University of Science & Technology
3- Tabriz islamic art university
4- Urmia university
Abstract:   (4765 Views)

The values of cultural heritage can be considered as a key word in interventions in conservation of cultural heritage. Nowadays, the role of value in various fields of heritage, especially in architecture heritage, is one of the most important factors that affects the concept of conservation. Along with and related to the concept of value, lies the concept of conservation, one as old as human history. Due to variety and differences among values in different societies, conserving these values has to precisely identify the needs in each society without which it is not possible to carry out an accurate conservation. This study aims to determine the relationship between the hidden values of architectural heritage in Iran and the ways of conserving them, and by assuming that there is a direct relationship between them, this study attempts to explain this relationship and introduce various kinds of values and ways of conserving them. Analyzing ways to recognize, assess and apply these values in conservation is another section of the studies that provides the preparations to make a suitable model to conserve values of architecture heritage in Iran. The main purpose of this thesis is to obtain a model based on which we can find ways of conservation regarding the values in architecture heritage. This model, known as the value-based model, makes suitable the conditions to extract, assess, and prioritize various values in architecture heritage; it also makes the application of the values possible in order to make appropriate methods of conservation. According to the proposed model in world heritage of Takhte Soleiman and ANP and Delphi method utilizes techniques to extract hidden values in this set the outcome of the project makes it clear that the application of the model resulted in a better decision making process in the field of conservation, and this can make a good opportunity to codify a charter of architecture conservation in Iran. Research is the method of data collection, documentary and field.

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Type of Study: Research original/ Regular Article | Subject: Maremat

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