year 7, Issue 13 (3-2017)                   mmi 2017, 7(13): 107-122 | Back to browse issues page

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salehinia M, shahmoradi F. A Psychological Study of the Impact of Isfahan’s Jame(Atiq)Mosque Architecture on users’ Behavior. mmi 2017; 7 (13) :107-122
URL: http://mmi.aui.ac.ir/article-1-440-en.html
1- art university of Isfahan , salehinia@aui.ac.ir
2- art university of Isfahan
Abstract:   (5403 Views)

This research has endeavored to investigate popular locations in the Isfahan’s Jame mosque (Atiq) for different groups of users, discover the meaning that they received and finally identify the architectural features which effect on stops and behaviors by a reverse process. The main question of this study is: how do the dominant physical and spatial features of the Jame (Atiq) mosque impact the behavior of its users? All of the behaviors have studied by analyzing the basic theories and the psychological fieldwork include observation by the techniques of “behavioral map and list” and “Questionnaires” by the techniques of differentiation meaning” andgrasping the mental map”. By employing the SPSS21 software, the results of the gathered data from the questionnaires were separately analyzed for the different groups of the users which were divided by the “age”, the “gender” and the “aim of being in the mosque”. By overlapping the results of mentioned methods it can see that there is a meaningful relationship between the architectural features of different parts of Jame (Atiq) mosque and the behavior of its users; the architectural features of each part of the mosque create a different meaning in different groups of users and cause different behaviors.

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