year 8, Issue 16 (3-2019)                   mmi 2019, 8(16): 39-50 | Back to browse issues page

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ghalehnoee M, pirbabayi M, soltanahmadi E, mohsen haghighi N. Assessing the prioritization of cultural and urban heritages values of Naghshe- Jahan Square . mmi 2019; 8 (16) :39-50
1- Art university of isfahan ,
2- islamic art university of tabriz
3- Art university of isfahan
Abstract:   (4010 Views)

Each country's cultural heritage indicates culture, history, and background of a nation, which has different social, economic, and historical values. However, the evaluation of these heritages does not take place considering the hidden values in them. Therefore, in planning for preservation or exploitation of these heritages some values in them may be ignored. On the other hand, constraint on the budget, time, and workforce necessitates to set a prioritized action plan. In this regard, it is necessary to provide a special priority of hidden values in heritages from the view of experts in the field of construction, architecture and urbanism to analyze the values of architectural and urban values. Naqshe Jahan Square in Isfahan as a valuable heritage with historical, social, cultural, and economic significance should be investigated to determine the priorities of its conservation and planning for its elements. In this regard, the present study with a descriptive – analytical manner and using the questionnaire and by ANP method was tried to identify and prioritize the values of architectural and urban values considering the expert's view. The results of this study showed that the priority of the elements in the Naqshe- Jahan Square is Naghshe-jahan square urban space, aliqapu building, Sheykh lotfollah mosque, Emam mosque, Qeysariyeh Bazar.

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