Paying attention to issues related to evaluation, decision making and selection has beenone of the most controversial topics today, and in most cases, not only all the factorsinfluencing the evaluation and selection are not considered, but also the set of factors andvariables considered are not agreed upon by experts. Hence, in this research the issueof identifying factors and variables effective in increasing productivity in the field ofrestoration and reuse of historic buildings has been addressed, and the research is basedon the question that what factors should be considered in order to increase productivityin the evaluation and selection of restoration projects and reuse of historical houses inIran and how important is each of the factors? According to this, the purpose of theresearch is identifying effective variables in evaluating and selectiong restoration projectsand reuse of historic houses with the approach of increasing efficiency and determiningdegree of importance in restoration and reuse of historical houses. In this manuscriptby taking advantage of survey research and through the preparation of questionnaire,experts’ views and opinions on the subject were collected and after doing the validationby factor analysis method, the variables were allowed to be extracted entitled “EffectiveFactors of increasing efficiency and Restoration of Iran Houses”. Each factor was derivedfrom several independent variables and was ranked depending on their significance. Theresults of the questionnaire analysis revealed eight main factors associated with increasingefficiency in houses including: “Protecting Values”, “Efficiency Management”, “Support”,“Uses Determination (Revival)”, “General principles of protection”, “Maintenance”,“Adaptation”, “Execution (Restoration)”. Among the factors determined, “ProtectingValues” gained the most importance. Finally, by obtaining the reliability coefficient ofeach of the factors, it was possible to evaluate and select the restoration projects andincrease their productivity and obtain the total factors agreed upon by the experts.