year 8, Issue 16 (3-2019)                   mmi 2019, 8(16): 87-108 | Back to browse issues page

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University of Tabriz ,
Abstract:   (3467 Views)

One of the reasons for the lack of sense of place and identity in urban environments is the lack of original ideas and human-oriented concepts of Islamic thoughts in the cities. Therefore, paying attention to the sense of place in the traditional environments and its extension to the today's neighborhoods is one of the most important requirements in designing residential environments.
The main objective of this research is first to investigate and identify the components of attachment to the Islamic city and then promote attachment to the residential environments based on the guidelines of Islamic texts as well as identifies factors influencing the attachment at different space scales.
This research using the qualitative approach and based on content analysis and logical reasoning compares the concepts of sense of belonging at different scales of residential environments. The method used in this research is analysis-logical. Moreover, its characteristics and approaches in terms of physical, functional and meaning components have been studied. The results of findings show that to create the sense of belonging in the scale of the house, the neighborhood and the city requires that the three physical, mental and spiritual needs of human should be satisfied in interaction of functional or behavioral, emotional and cognitive with residential environments.
The results of investigation of Islamic texts and Hadiths show that physical factors in the scale of house and social factors in the scale of neighborhood and the city are important. For example, the most indicated instruction by the Prophet is about taking care about the neighborhoods and communication with them and paying attention to ethics in the city and civil relationships in residential environments. Therefore, in the process of formation of the Islamic concept of urban space we should be more concerned with the social aspects of the city.

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