year 7, Issue 14 (3-2018)                   mmi 2018, 7(14): 91-102 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Bu-Ali Sina University ,
2- Bu-Ali Sina University
Abstract:   (3926 Views)

The troglodytic architecture complex in Arzanfoud is located 30 km to the southeast of city of Hamadan. And 2 km to the south of village of Arzanfoud. These include the discovery of more than 70 carved space including interrelated rooms and halls in various depths of 3 to 7 m under the ground level. In different space various architectural element were recorded. These include overtures and entrances, platform lamp holders, hooks, niches and water tubes in the walls. Sometimes the small niches on the walls are related to the water system. Beside these other water management feature such as many wells and connecting canals were discovered. That is why the questions raised in this regard include the formation of Architecture troglodytic underground water resources what role has Arzanfoud? According to the evidence and architectural elements related to water Arzanfoud collection of pre-designed sample can be considered? Evidence suggests the existence of a permanent river with a very important factor in the formation of architecture is Arzanfoud troglodytic. This interrelated canal and well system facilitated the water flow through the whole structure. It seem that the water from the nearby river was directed to the structure and was distributed among its various space. The evidence suggest that water accessibility had a major role in the existence and function of this troglodytic architectural complex and that the water management system and the buildings were constructed based on a preplanned design.

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